Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Tomorrow is the day

Well, I sit here in my PJs going over my checklists... I have several going on right now: one for the kids, one for the first day of school, one for things not to forget to do before I leave the house and one for things to finish before bed tonight. I know I'm going to miss something or forget to do something... did I turn off the oven, feed the cats, pack an extra change of cloths for the kids? I think tomorrow is bring your favorite stuffed animal to school day... hmm... do you think my professor would think I was nuts if I brought my old teddy to class with me?

On top of tomorrow being a big day for me it's also the day before J has his big day! He's going to the carrier off the coast of CA to qualify for his carrier landing! I know he's been practicing and he's going to do great but he's still nervous. If you have a little extra prayer in you please say one for him! I don't know if I'll get a chance to see him before he takes off on Thur just because our schedules are so crazy right now, somewhere a long the way I know we'll make time, we have to!

You know one of my biggest fears which I know is just silly? I'm going to be the oldest person in the class! I know there has to be at least one person older than me, I'm not that old after all! Everyone else will be young and hip and I'm going to be wearing my mommy jeans and faded tee that most likely will have oatmeal stuck to it.

Well, I must get back to the lists... lunches, pens, paper, camera, Bryan's dog, diapers, school ID... it just keeps going... I'll make sure I raise my hand and use "please" and "thank you"s...


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