Saturday, June 21, 2008

First day and an outting

Well I made it through my first day! I wasn't the oldest person in the class, just the second oldest... thank you quasi scary guy who wears camo pants, checked shirt and boony hat (never mind the interesting style of facial hair).

The first day was more of an introductory class. Prof K went over the materials we'll need and what to expect and what he expects out of us. It should give me a good over view of my camera and how to use it so I'm still stoked about it! Monday we'll get our first official class and project which I've already started planning for. The project is about light and texture. I have several avenues I'd like to explore with this ranging from golf balls to tree trunks and towels!

With tree bark on the brains a friend went with me and the kids to feed the creative juices. We had a great picnic under a beautiful tree. I was so wrapped up in the project that I forgot to do what I consider most important, capture the moment. Regardless of the project I vow to never do this again, I missed some wonderful opportunities with the kids and Miss A. I did however take lots of pictures of tree bark, up close and personal! It's amazing how easy it is to get wrapped up and lost in the moment. After bark we strolled through the rest of the park and museum buildings in search of some cool shade. It was a blazing hot day with temps as high as 95*F!

Through out the day I noticed something was off with my camera. Every shot was dark and filmy looking. I had read an article previously about how this is caused by the wrong exposure. For the life of me I could not remember what I had to do to correct it! When we got home I pulled up the article by a wonderful photographer Ree aka Pioneer Woman and was able to quickly fix the error of my ways.

This is the same picture before and after I corrected for the error in exposure here at home. I didn't break out photoshop or anything so the picture has not been altered drastically, just upped the brightness and contrast and played with the hue and saturation until it looked better.

Today was far too hot to drag the kids back out so here I am finally able to share my past couple days. I'm going to post the pictures, I figure they are alright for a beginner. I've made mild adjustments to clear the grey film but this is what I got.

Here's a little gem I managed to get this morning of BC and myself - nose kisses!

If you have photography related articles or sites you'd like to share just include them in the comments and I'll check them out.
Hope you enjoyed!


Anonymous June 21, 2008 at 9:16 PM  

These photos are great! You will do great because you are getting the chance to do something you love!! Go for it, and enjoy the ride!

Anonymous June 21, 2008 at 9:17 PM  

Oh, and I forgot to say....I love the site!

Anonymous June 21, 2008 at 10:57 PM  

Yvonne! Your photos are GORGEOUS!!! I'm SO impressed! You have 'the eye' for what will make a good photo--i think that is 1/2 the battle. Wow! I can't wait to see more!!!

Anonymous June 22, 2008 at 8:53 AM  

Awesome photos!!! Great job!

Patti L June 23, 2008 at 6:50 AM  

Great job and a super have the touch! Lorraine and I often discuss your photos on the other site on Sundays at Papa's.Congrat and best wishes. patti

Ali Brown June 26, 2008 at 9:23 AM  

It makes me so happy to see your photos :-) Way to go for taking a risk. They are LOVELY! I'm so excited to see how you will only gets better from here. Great article by the way!

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