I always dream about something big coming up in my life whether it's starting a new job, things with the kids, or going back to school. I was expecting the dreams to start but didn't think they would be this scary!
I dreamt that the class room was a huge auditorium style class and I was late arriving, then there were no seats and I had to stand up front. Everyone had their cameras out and ready and I look in my backpack and it's EMPTY (no books let alone a camera), then my cell phone starts ringing and it's the preschool about the kids... I woke up at that point. I still have 8 days until class starts, I hope the dreams get better.
On a preschool note, the kids did better today. BJ only cried for 1 hr after I left and BC was just fine and wanted to stay longer... wait for it... to NAP! HA! This punk hasn't napped for almost 2 years!
In regards to my last post, I'm well mended and on the road to recovery. What ever bug I picked up only lasted about 12 hours, I was thankful to be feeling better that night.
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