Monday, June 23, 2008

Does anyone have a case of the "Mondays"?

You would think with one less person in the house this past week it would be easier with J being gone, but the stinks have worn me out. I've been up early with them and staying up late to ... to what? To stay up late! No other reason, I guess but be a slacker and have nothing else to do. I am usually trolling through other photographer sites and checking out stuff.

Well, today I had my second day of class. Prof K had mentioned it was going to be front loaded with theory but we literally spent 5 hours going through power point presentations of jargon. Exhausting! I did manage to pull out my camera and adjust some settings, so we'll see if it helps eliminate my "grey" area shooting. I feel slightly out of my league because so many other students are up to speed with what they are doing. I do feel old and out dated but I'm hanging in there. When I say I feel old I mean I feel old. Seriously, the kid to my left was going to be a senior in HIGH SCHOOL this fall! His mom drove him to school, bless his heart! He's a good kid, with a really nice camera.

Prof K went over our project a little. He said to start scoping areas to shoot where we can use light as our paint. I understood, or thought I had a better understanding of using light to paint texture from our last class. Hopefully I'll get it next class. Here I am shooting objects I feel have lots of texture like bark and avocados and he's talking about buildings and how light is reflecting! I don't know, I'll figure it out I'm sure - I always do!

I did however find a great little building downtown at lunch that I do want to go shoot. This building could very well be the one I'm looking for that will use the magical light paint brush. It's a very vivid blue with little shades over the windows, white trim and a great little tree that hangs over a chain linked fence. It is beautiful. I'll take some shots later this week fo'sho!

It's getting late and I must get some beauty sleep, I'm looking forward to sharing the bed tonight. It's been too long that it's been empty! And for those who care, J made it home safely after landing a jet on an air craft carrier (after he called to tell me he was finished my headache went away... I wonder why??). The stinks were super happy to see him and my heart smiles just remembering how BJ hugged J so tight! If we could just bottle those moments up, they would be the most powerful drugs ever!

Good night and sweet dreams.


Navasha June 25, 2008 at 8:58 PM  

WOO HOO FOR LANDING!!! HI 5 that man for me. How super cool is that?

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