Saturday, August 1, 2009

The People: Tums returns

Dre, Lea and Kirra - I am so happy your family is together again! Welcome home, TUMS!! Your homecoming was my first on-the-base-military reunion and it was beautiful. I loved watching you fly in and form up and run into your loved ones arms! I write this and remember your story with tears of happiness rolling down my cheeks, thank you for sharing this day with you!! Thank you both for your love of country and sacrifice. I truly thank God for people like you every day!

Semper Fidelis!!

I'm going to post my experiences and random heart wrenching shots later, when I'm not so emotionally charged!! In the mean time, enjoy the K family homecoming! They are together again, YAY!!!


Stacee Lianna August 2, 2009 at 9:12 AM  

awwww Yvonne! these are SO great!!

Amber Fox August 2, 2009 at 3:40 PM  


These are beautiful and really touching. They remind me of the opening sequence of Love Actually, where all the families are being reunited. I love them.

Stephanie Zyga August 2, 2009 at 7:00 PM  

Wow, once again--tears falling so hard. Great job yvonne capturing the moments!

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