Thursday, July 30, 2009

The People: Last man off the plane

While out capturing the man next door's reunion we noticed an adorable family with the cutest sign. It simple stated, "Welcome Home Daddy", and had two hand prints. It truly make my heart weep tears of sorrow for their seperation which were quickly replaced with tears of joy... because on this plane Brady's daddy!

Holly, Brady and little Reagan sent their Marine to Iraq about 6 months ago. I was honored to have captured his first moments coming home...

We all waited with bated breath for Daddy to walk off the plane... and we waited... I was honestly on the verge of tears that he had missed his flight! Then... my worries disappeared as Holly's face light the room! Thomas was the last man off the plane.

Thank you, Thomas, for sacrifice and service! You make me so proud to be an American!!


Anonymous August 13, 2009 at 1:06 PM  

you my dear captured the moment. iam sitting here with tears streaming down my face. i finally found the pictures of my niece and her it is almost like being there thank you so very much. i looked at your other picturs too. wow Go gave you a beautiful heart and it comes out in your pictures. thank you again. holly's aunt judy, in venice fla.

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