Monday, August 17, 2009

The People : Jessica & Sophia

As most of you know I went up to Washington for a week off last month. I had the best time, it was fun, relaxing and smokey but most of all I was able to spend it with my best friend. I guess after 20 years she's seriously my sister! Not only did I get to hang out with her but I got to hang out with her daughter, Sophia, too! I can't say enough nice things about them, so I'm going to say the nitty gritty things about them! PSYCH! Like I would or could ever do that!

Well, I hope they enjoy these pictures I finally got around to editing. Jess is also a photographer, so if you're ever looking for one up in Bellingham give her a call! Tell her I sent ya and she'll treat ya right! Check her out and leave her some love!


Stephanie Zyga August 28, 2009 at 10:55 PM  

Geesh Yvonne! Those mother daughter photos made me want to cry! So beautiful!

The Selby's August 30, 2009 at 12:13 PM  

I LOVE the series of Jessica & Sophia! So precious!

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