Friday, July 25, 2008

The Chillen's Museum

For those up to date readers of my glorious blog you already know we spent a day downtown at the new children's museum so here are some images to treat your eyes to!

A modern B&W with a C twist!

We had a blast and was pleasantly surprised that there was a lot to do and the prices weren't too bad. Regular admission is $10 and $5 for military members, so I can highly recommend you seek it out! If you choose to go by trolley remember to use the convention center stop - way closer than 12th and Imperial!!! We walked many blocks with no stroller and it almost killed some of us.

BJ's favorite part of the day was painting the old VW Bug. I literally had to pull him away kicking and screaming "Mo' mo' momma" (BJ for "MORE MORE MOMMA!"). At one point He turned around with a mouth full of (non toxic) paint and when I asked if he was eating it he replied "Nuhuh" profusely shaking his head. I think he might of been lying what do you think?

I just love this pickle picture of BC.
While we were picnicking downtown before the museum I snapped a couple pictures - of course! - and I think I have taken my favorite shot of all time. We were just playing peek-a-boo and this is what I got. This picture touches my heart in ways no other picture has before and really captures BJ! I think my favorite thing about this picture is this is practically straight out of the camera (SOOC), I adjusted the curves because I shot to the right slightly and it pulled the tones in on the left side of his head. Rest assure this one is going on the wall!


Abbey July 26, 2008 at 5:28 PM  

That train pic is uber awesme!

Anonymous July 27, 2008 at 5:55 AM  

Beautiful pictures!!!!! Great job!

Anonymous July 28, 2008 at 9:02 PM  

Like the B+W Trolley pic!

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