Saturday, August 8, 2009

Little People : My guy

My guy turned 3 today! It's been a wild ride the whole way, but I wouldn't change a thing. Happy Birthday, Bryan, you're my best guy!!

Bryan's birth was pretty rad. I didn't even know I was in labor when I went in to get checked and was well past the required dilation! Managed to hunker down and sneak a snickers bar in mid way through. Labored hard for a couple hours and finally welcomed Bryan into the world kicking and screaming!! Boy, was I ever relieved to get him out!!

Who would of thought that after completing our family it would turn out so great?! I admit, I have had my doubts!

I'm so proud of the independent free spirit Bryan is growing into...

His smile warms my heart each and every day! I give thanks for the countless hugs I get. I love you, Bryan. You're my guy.


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