Sunday, August 10, 2008

Zoom Zoom!

OK I know I've not kept up with the projects but I'm trying! I promise I'll bust out and get everything up to date tomorrow! In the mean time I hope this helps...

Zoom Zoom pretty much describes project 5 from school. We had to capture motion. What shows motion, how do you grab something moving as a still image? Well, that is pretty easy to explain! There are two ways: motion blur and freeze frame.

Motion Blur: This is pretty self explanatory. Either the object you're shooting or the background is blurred. Usually you have a slow shutter speed, anything below 1/100 of a second should do the trick. Here is where you can go in two different directions: panning or motion of subject. Panning refers to when you follow the subject and get those great background blurs while subject blur is just that... the subject is blurred while the background is in focus (a tripod is a must for this).

I couldn't decide between my color selected version or the full color so I submitted both. We talked about all the possible ways to select certain color (for instance having the mirror be B&W and the background color) and how it makes you feel. It was pretty interesting to think of the psychology behind the color selections! In the end these two images were turned in. A side not - if you ever want to watch what I think was a great movie that had a lot to do with the psychology of color watch Pleasantville.

Freeze Frame: Well, lets see how do I explain this one... everything in the frame is frozen. Obviously, if you use a low shutter speed for motion blur you're going to want to do the exact opposite to freeze the frame! Use a high shutter speed, depending on the speed of the subject you may need to go as high as 1/8000th of a second but really anything over 1/300th should do the trick.

I do feel that to be able to capture good motion while freezing the frame you need to know for sure that the object is indeed in motion. You can't take a picture of a bloke sitting on the bench moving his hand while turning a page because really, he might just be sitting there with his hand still. If he was jumping off the bench and you caught him mid air, chances are he hasn't perfected the art of levitating and he is in fact in motion.

Unless my daughter was able to hold this position with super strong legs and abs, there is no way this could of been shot with out there being some motion in progress.

I hope that all made sense! If not, shoot me an email and give it to me and I'll fix my post. I'm not a professional and I barely know what I'm talking about!

I'm adding a couple renditions of one photograph I love but did not turn in.

With all this said and done I feel that during project 5, I captured good motion. Let me know what you think - likes, dislikes, indifferent, what ever - your feed back can only make me a better photographer!


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