Saturday, August 16, 2008

Randoms over the last week

Well I've been go go go and I have nothing to show for it since I last posted! Let's see... I met some awesome local photographers for coffee one day. You can check out their sites here (Kimberlee West, Jackie Wonders, and Tanni). It was great talking with them - so inspirational!! Thanks girls!!

Kimberlee was nice enough to invite me to tag along to one of her shoots the next day where I learned SO much! Thanks!! I'll let you know when her pictures are up... I know they will be just awesome.

While I was out watching Kimberlee I grabbed some peaceful shots of the PO...

The rest of this past week we've just been doing things around the house. We washed the cars and went to the park. Amazingly enough I did put down the camera for a few days because I just feel like that has been all I've done lately. I want to enjoy the moments in real life not just through the view finder!

Here are some random shots I did catch however... you know I can't put the camera down for too long!


Ali Brown August 19, 2008 at 7:31 PM  

Ooooh Oooh I wanna know what you learned :) I want to follow an awesome photographer here in town but I'm to chicken to ask..

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