Sunday, July 6, 2008

Happy Fourth of July on the Sixth!

Well, it's better late than never right? We had a great day going and watching a parade with the kids and eating ice cream. What's better than ice cream I might ask you, FREE ICE CREAM! That's right, I said FREE! After watching the fancy cars, cub scouts and the Star Wars club at the parade we headed down to the park to eat and play... more eating than playing though. Baskin Robbins was handing out scoops of ice cream and I must admit we had our fair share!

BC's favorite car...

My favorite car...

Snatching candy!

And the free ice cream!

Chillaxin' on the ride home...

Afterwards we headed home to relax. After naps we enjoyed our independence by grilling compressed cow flesh - I guess real girls DO eat meat! We also took the kids to their first fire works show! They were just in awe of everything. I don't know what BJ was more surprised about, the fact that he was in jammies and out side or that we were laid out on a blanket on the corner of street at night! BC rolls with everything pretty well so there is no real surprising her. She was fascinated with the fireworks though and exclaimed "Oh! I like that one the best!" every time one went off! BJ cracked me up because he stood there for about 2 whole minutes with his mouth agape and just stared. After the initial shock of everything he settled in my lap with a bag of pretzels and happily munched away. Both crashed out in the car before we pulled 100 feet away.
There is no better way to explain it other than - it was a great day! I am so blessed!
I hope everyone had as great a day as I did. Next year hopefully I will remember to charge my battery so I can actually get pictures of the fireworks!


Navasha July 9, 2008 at 9:22 PM  

chillaxin is an excellent word just fyi

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