Thursday, July 17, 2008

Elmo, class get togethers and shock horror! The project!

Well here I am Thur night finally getting to the blog... it has been a busy week! Monday was just Monday, and then Tue we did the whole pay day shopping with a twist. The twist being instead of coming home and putting groceries away properly I crammed the cold items in the fridge and stuffed the monkeys back in the car and took off to see Sesame Street Live!

You would of thought this was the greatest show on earth!

BC, BJ and their buddy A dancing in the aisle!

BC not letting me take her picture - brat!

Awful shot but one with the AWE expression on BJs face. This is how he was for 20 minutes!

We got there just in time to find some friends who happened to be at the front of the line and wiggle our way in to grab good seats! We were about 8 rows back from the stage. We also got these great light spinners with Elmo - I'll have to get some pictures of that, they're fun :) I was a little apprehensive at first because there was a large flat screen positioned center staged, surely they wouldn't play a previously recorded show right? Well they didn't... Elmo, Cookie Monster, and Grover with their lady friends (I can't remember their names) came out and rocked the toddler world! BC is a seasoned show girl (we did the Rockettes for her 2nd birthday in Boston and she loved it!) so I didn't think there would be any problems with her, I was worried about BJ, aka Mr Fidget. But! He surprised me, he sat through the whole show on my lap and just watched wide-eye. They got up and danced and rushed the stage like groupies when the characters came down into the audience! They were great! The show was short but lots of fun!

Let's see, Wed was a class field trip. Fun fun fun! We met downtown at Balboa Park and walked down the main strip then hit the Botanical Gardens. It was half a day of just shooting with out kids for me. I did struggle with some focusing issues though, I'm afraid I might need to start wearing my glasses when I'm shooting so I can get those crisp pictures I like. Something is going on with the view finder even though I've calibrated it to my eyes, a lot of my images are just coming out slightly unfocused. This frustrates me to no end! I think the shot looks good in the camera and I got it and leave to find out I didn't!! Well, it's a me problem, I need to fix it.

Backing up to Monday again, Prof K gave back our assignments. He went through the classes work and again I was last on the list which I'm not digging because he rushes at the end and doesn't really give the last couple students much feedback. Surely I'm not that good that I need no critiquing? What ever! I think over all he was pleased with my work. Made a couple suggestions again with the cropping but over all that was it. I was pleased, I didn't feel like my images were the lamest this time... I don't think there was a single lame image (okay, maybe just one, but at least it wasn't mine!).

Like I said last week the work was on contrasting colors and a family of colors. I chose yellow and blue for my contrasting colors, the yellow flower against the blue sky. I wasn't the only one with this great idea, the other flower though was a beautiful yellow rose almost fully bloomed.

Yellow on Blue

My family of colors was based on a wood pile I climbed the chain linked fence to get. I didn't end up using those images but it was fun being a little reckless! I used one I shot through the fence and this is the one that Prof K thought should of been cropped differently... but I say too much would of been lost if I had taken his advice. I still got the grade so it's just a personal preference.

Burn baby burn

Hopefully over this weekend I'll get through a few of the shots I collected on the field trip and share them with you. Until then, stay happy and healthy!


Anonymous July 18, 2008 at 2:45 AM  

Uhhh!! That yellow flower... GORGEOUS!!!

Anonymous July 18, 2008 at 3:50 PM  

The flower is fantastic!

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