Saturday, July 12, 2008

Beach Babes

Today we headed down to the beach for me to practice and hopefully snap off a few great shots of the kids. I did go down there with the mind set of shooting for my project too but that went to pot. I'm so frustrated with myself!

I wanted to try and capture a specific picture and it just didn't happen. I know when photographing moving water you can get a great effect of "fog" if you set the shutter speed low. It blurs out the movement of the water creating the desired effect. Well I couldn't figure out my camera and forgot the manual in the car! Frustrated and discouraged (and also a little worried about the kids with Daddy in a cave... with an incoming tide!) I gave up to sit on the sand and watch for the kids.

I should of known that heading to the beach and only dipping our toes was hopeless. Not 30 seconds after releasing the monkeys were they up to their stubby knees and then thighs in the water! I had to send Daddy in there to grab them several times before the tide took them out to sea. I couldn't help but smile as I watched them. I know I might moan about the kids acting up, talking back, asking totally inappropriate questions at the worst times and all, but I honestly can say it's totally worth it when we share moments like these. Covered in sand and soaked to the bone they just made me smile so big I'm sure the families around us were wondering what I was on!

aren't they the cutest little people?

perfection, Daddy-Daughter time

he belongs to me and my heart belongs to him! I'm the luckiest girl alive!

when toes became knees

I did manage to capture this gem of BC and Daddy with my point and shoot while we were at one of our favorite mexican cantinas - Roberto's - Mmmm... Mmm! (I don't know if I'm drooling over the thought of mexican food or that great big hunk o' man beef holding our oldest child! I win either way!)


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